Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Viva Vienna!

Overcast but clear skies, people and vendors everywhere, the sound of children's laughter, the rock and roll of the carnival rides; Viva Vienna was packed with fun for the kids, music for the adults, and endless shopping.

Slide show music by none other than Jammin' Java's Luke Brindley! And Luke and Friends performed at the festival and appears in the slide show.


  1. Love the slideshow, great shots!

    But how do you do the HDR with people in the scene? Are you on tripod? Doesn't the movement ruin the shot?

    Thanks, Craig

  2. Craig, great question. This is a hand held HDR shot which is not hard to do when you are in bright conditions. Set your camera on bracketing mode and take three quick shots. No tripod required. Movement will upset the hdr however using photoshop you marry the hdr shot with one of your originals and paint the people back in. I learned all this from none other than Trey Radcliff who has an excellent site here: www.stuckincustoms.com
